STANZ Wired Newsletter #2 July 2020

May 8, 2021


The organizing committee for the Safer Technology Aotearoa/New Zealand society (STANZ) has been working to become an incorporated society. The constitution has been approved and the necessary signatures gathered to submit to the Companies Office for incorporation as a society. At our next meeting in the last weekend of July we will elect the committee to lead STANZ. Some people question as to why all this effort has gone into turning what has been a local grass roots movement into a formally organised incorporated society. This newsletter will highlight why we need to have an incorporated society to carry
out fundraising to engage in campaigning activities locally and nationally as well as supporting legal actions to oppose 5G and other types of dangerous electromagnetic radiation pollution.

Read the full newsletter here:

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Not for Profit Organisation

STANZ is a not-for-profit organisation which relies on the good will of its members to run its operations. The only source of funding it currently receives are from donations from members and the public.

STANZ has an elected Coordinating Committee that meets regularly to organise the affairs and activities of the society.

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