STANZ Wired Newsletter #5 – Summer 2020-2021

May 8, 2021

It goes without saying that this has been a rollercoaster of a year that has tested us all. Here at STANZ we have endeavoured to keep things ticking over as best we can to fight the good fight for greater safe use of technology. While it appears that there is not much happening to the general public in reality there is much work here behind the scenes and around the world that is laying the foundations to help us achieve our goals and this is reflected in this extralong summer edition of our newsletter with plenty of info for (wired) holiday reading.

Medical professionals and research scientists in particular have been increasingly getting active around the world as they realise the risks to our health and the environment from wireless radio frequency radiation in all its forms. The Action Info section of this newsletter reflects this and provides an opportunity to join in by signing their online petitions against 5G satellites and 5G cell phone boycott. Lisa Er organised the Halt 5G in Aotearoa NZ petition via the Greenpeace Toko Petitions platform and it gained 20,000+ signatories in 2020. This petition has now been presented to Parliament via Labour MP Deborah Russell and we look forward to supporting action being taken on it in 2021.

Full details here:

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