How to revise our consuming love affair with electronics – A letter to Greta Thunberg: the magnitude of problems with digital technologies

May 11, 2021

Our digital society consumes extraordinary amounts of energy and extracted ores. One smartphone contains more than 1000 different substances, each with its own energy intensive, toxic waste and greenhouse gas-emitting supply chain. In his 2015 paper, On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology, Huawei consultant Anders Andrae predicted that by 2030, info-communications-technologies could consume 51% of global electricity and emit 23% of greenhouse gases. Globally, we discard 53.6 million metric tons of electronics every year. To reduce this love story’s destructive parts, to live within our ecological means, we need to respect nature more and decrease our dependence on technology.

How on Earth do we do that?

I start with understanding that unless I am aware that I’m part of the problem, I can’t be part of the solution.

Read Article by Katie Singer Here:

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