Can wireless radiation affect a person’s nervous system? According to Professor Lebrecht von Klitzing, who has worked extensively with people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, the answer is YES.
In a trial he conducted recently, he found that the nervous system could be impacted by radiation from WLAN (wireless local area network) sources. Von Klitzing performed electromyograms (EMG) on three volunteers. EMG is a standard test that identifies how well muscles respond to brain signals via nerves using electrodes placed on the lower arm. The test produces a graph, similar to that produced by an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Each test was conducted in a shielded laboratory so that no extraneous radiofrequency signals could interfere with the results. During the test, EMGs were conducted with a WLAN router in the laboratory turned ON and OFF and recordings were taken before, during and after exposure.
The results showed that the EMG readings during and after exposure were different to those before exposure. In other words, the WLAN signal affected the volunteer’s nervous system and the effects persisted beyond exposure.
According to von Klitzing, the results indicate the importance of society engaging in ‘a new discussion about healthy effects by low-energetic electromagnetic exposures.’
Von Klitzing, L, ‘Artificial EMG by WLAN-Exposure,’ J Biostatistics Biometric Applications, 6(1), 2021;