New Study Shows Health Damage from Cell Phone Towers

May 29, 2022

The mobile industry relies on the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority and claims that the radiation from the mobile masts’ base stations is so weak that it is impossible to have any health effects. The research shows something else. Here you get a German review of a new laboratory study that demonstrates biological effects that have been measured in detail.

The new study shows that even fairly weak radiation from mobile masts creates oxidative stress. This study comes on top of others that have shown that health problems increase in frequency the closer people live to the masts (see eg blog post 20.04.2016 ). Below you will find my translation of the review that was recently published by diagnose: funk [diagnosis: radio waves], which is a German information organization that produces thorough quality material about such, so thoroughly that I have to settle here first with an excerpt from the German review , and then the summary that appears in the research article itself.

New study: Mobile phone base stations can trigger oxidative stress

(excerpt from )

Again, a study confirms why opposition to mobile masts and the fight for alternatives is justified. Continuous radiation affects the organism and triggers oxidative cell stress even at relatively low intensity on the transmitter.

The study by Zosangzuali et al. in  Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine shows that radiation from mobile phone masts causes oxidative stress, ie an overproduction of free radicals. Oxidative cell stress is the basis of many inflammatory diseases, and it weakens the immune system. The EMF portal defines it as follows [links in the definition omitted in the translation]:

  • Oxidative stress occurs when oxidation processes caused by free radicals (eg hydrogen hyperoxide) exceed the ability of the antioxidant processes to neutralize, and the equilibrium is thus shifted in favor of oxidation. Various damage to the cells can be caused, such as oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and DNA.

Effects far below thermally relevant intensity

Mobile base stations (MFBS) are a fundamental part of wireless communication. The increasing use of mobile phones, especially for demanding signals such as video streaming, has led to a sharp increase in the number of base stations. The authors investigate the effect of the radiation from a mobile base station with a radio frequency of 1800 MHz, with live mice used as model animals. The experimental animals (n = 6) were irradiated over 45 days for 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours per day. The control group was not irradiated. The average power density measured daily was 37,540 µW / m2 , which has a corresponding electric field strength of 3.76 V / m. The SAR value calculated from this was 0.013 W / kg .

NB! Compare these values ​​with the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority’s recommended exposure limit, which is 10,000,000 µW / m2 before it was increased and based on SAR values ​​in the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines, and then set to SAR values ​​ranging from 4 to 40 W / kg tissue. EF]

The researchers examined markers of oxidative stress [glutathione (GSH), glutathione S-transferase (GST), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA)] in the brain, heart, liver and kidneys of the experimental animals. GSH acts as an antioxidant in the organism. GST ensures the binding of GSH to toxic substances that can arise from reactive oxygen species. SOD converts superoxides and thus also counteracts oxidative stress. MDA in turn is formed when reactive oxygen species react with lipids such as e.g. cell membranes. In addition, the effect of the radiofrequency radiation on the blood count was analyzed, in the form of red blood cells, white blood cells and hemoglobin.

The researchers were able to detect increased oxidative stress caused by the mobile phone base station.

In the brain, all four markers indicated a statistically significant increase in oxidative stress, with a dose-dependent trend being observed (see graph from the study below). The effects tended to be stronger with prolonged exposure. The kidney tissue, on the other hand, showed reduced SOD activity only after 24-hour irradiation. Heart and liver tissue gave no indication of increased oxidative stress. The blood count also showed changes after exposure to the mobile base station. The number of erythrocytes was reduced after 12 and 24 hours of daily irradiation. The number of leukocytes increased after 24 hours of exposure per day. However, the hemoglobin remained unchanged.


This study joins the ranks of the growing number of publications describing non-thermal biological effects of man-made RF. The realistic exposure layout is remarkable, in that a regular mobile base station on the roof of a house acts as the radiation source. The number of test animals per test group (n = 6) is sufficient to obtain statistical significance in the data. However, a higher number could have given the study greater say. (RH)

So far Diagnosis: funk its mention.

And here is the summary from the research article itself:

“This study was designed to investigate the possible effects of exposure to mobile telephone base station (MPBS) transmitting 1800 MHz RF-EMS, on some parameters of oxidative stress in the brain, heart, kidneys and liver of Swiss albino mice when exposed to thermal levels. Mice were randomly assigned to three experimental groups exposed to RF-EMR for 6 hours / day, 12 hours / day and 24 hours / day for 45 consecutive days, and one control group. Glutathione (GSH) levels and the activities of glutathione s-transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were significantly reduced in the mouse brain after exposure to RF-EMR for 12 hours and 24 hours per day. Exposure of mice to RF-EMR for 12 hours and 24 hours per day also led to a significant increase in malondialdehyde (an indicator of lipid peroxidation) in the mouse brain. On the contrary, exposures used in this study did not induce any significant change in various oxidative stress-related parameters in the heart, kidneys and liver of mice. Our findings showed no significant variations in the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine (CRE) levels in the exposed mice. 

This study also revealed a decrease in RBC counts with an increase in WBC counts in mice exposed to 12 hours / day and 24 hours / day exposures. Exposure to RF-EMR from MPBS can cause adverse effects in the mouse brain by inducing oxidative stress arising from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as indicated by improved lipid peroxidation and reduced levels and activities of antioxidants. Our findings showed no significant variations in the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine (CRE) levels in the exposed mice. 

This study also revealed a decrease in RBC counts with an increase in WBC counts in mice exposed to 12 hours / day and 24 hours / day exposures. Exposure to RF-EMR from MPBS can cause adverse effects in the mouse brain by inducing oxidative stress arising from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as indicated by improved lipid peroxidation and reduced levels and activities of antioxidants. Our findings showed no significant variations in the activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine (CRE) levels in the exposed mice. This study also revealed a decrease in RBC counts with an increase in WBC counts in mice exposed to 12 hours / day and 24 hours / day exposures. Exposure to RF-EMR from MPBS can cause adverse effects in the mouse brain by inducing oxidative stress arising from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as indicated by improved lipid peroxidation and reduced levels and activities of antioxidants. 

This study also revealed a decrease in RBC counts with an increase in WBC counts in mice exposed to 12 hours / day and 24 hours / day exposures. Exposure to RF-EMR from MPBS can cause adverse effects in the mouse brain by inducing oxidative stress arising from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as indicated by improved lipid peroxidation and reduced levels and activities of antioxidants. This study also revealed a decrease in RBC counts with an increase in WBC counts in mice exposed to 12 hours / day and 24 hours / day exposures. Exposure to RF-EMR from MPBS can cause adverse effects in the mouse brain by inducing oxidative stress arising from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as indicated by improved lipid peroxidation and reduced levels and activities of antioxidants.

What do these reviews say? Yes, that the Radiation Protection Authority’s recommendations are highly inadequate to protect against health problems and serious injuries. And that some, who are particularly sensitive – whether we call them electrically sensitive, IEI-EMF, EHS, electrically sensitive, or something else – will have extra major health problems. And that the ailments are not linked to the heating potential in the radiation, as the exposure limits are based on, but to other properties of EMF, and then we know that the pulsation is an important candidate. And that other creatures on this planet will also be harmed. – And that it is time for the authorities to realize that they have a problem here that they should correct, and then not by insisting that it is the terrain that is wrong when the map does not fit.

Einar Flydal, May 19, 2022

PDF version: EFlydal-20220518-New-study-shows-health-injuries-from-mobilmaster.pdf

Published on the blog of Einar Flydal.


Mary Zosangzuali, Marina Lalremruati, C. Lalmuansangi, F. Nghakliana, Lalrinthara Pachuau, Priyanka Bandara & Zothan Siama (2021) Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation emitted from a mobile phone base station on the redox homeostasis in different organs of Swiss albino mice, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 40: 3, 393-407, DOI:  10.1080 / 15368378.2021.1895207

Original Article in Norwegian here:

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