Today in France, there are approximately 3 million people suffering from electrohypersensitivity (EHS). The
National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) estimated in its opinion
and report of March 13, 2018, that 5% of the population is concerned. Our country is not the only one affected.
All over the world, people with EHS face significant difficulties in medical care and the persistence of symptoms
can only aggravate this pathology. Moreover, in nearly 25% of cases (source ECERI), EHS is associated with MCS
(multiple chemical sensitivity). It is therefore essential to develop medical and scientific research on these two
pathologies – EHS and MCS.
We are therefore pleased to announce the creation, on May 24, 2022, of the A.R.I.E.M. Association with the
main objective of developing knowledge on EHS and MCS through high level research involving the best teams
engaged in this research in France, in collaboration with the best international teams. This Association is under
the patronage of an international scientific council composed of high-level experts.
We will also be committed to informing the medical profession and the public authorities about the increasing
number of patients suffering from these pathologies and their consequences in their personal, social and
professional life.
The founding members are:
• European Cancer and Environment Research Institute (ECERI) represented by its President, Prof.
Dominique BELPOMME and by its Scientific Director, Philippe IRIGARAY (PhD) ;
• Phonegate Alert Association, represented by its President, Dr. Marc ARAZI.
Four other Associations have also promoted the creation of A.R.I.E.M. and are therefore full members:
• POEM 26 Association ;
• Robin des toits Association ;
• SOS-MCS Association ;
• Zones Blanches Association.
Press Contact:
Association for International Research on EHS and MCS (ARIEM)
Philippe Irigaray
Telephone : 01 45 78 53 54