“War-Gaming for profit” — Mobile radiation, cancer risk and industry lobbying

August 6, 2022

Wireless radiation is neither safe nor healthy. Hundreds of scientific studies prove harm to life far below the current limits of radiation and with 5G it will increase significantly. Further, we will see a steep rise in energy consumption, depletion of rare minerals and serious infringement of our privacy.

European Citizen’s Initiative (www.signstop5G.eu), YouTube video (26 minutes), Jul 24, 2022

Includes many EMF researchers: Henry Lai, Martin Pall, George Carlo, Michael Repacholi, Franz Adlkofer, Hugo Rudiger, Wilhelm Mosgoller, Ron Melnick, Fiorella Belpoggi, and Michael Kundi, and several investigative reports: Mark Hertsgaard, Microwave News, and Investigate Europe.

Current Discussion on 5G / Wireless Communication Technologies: Risks and Perspectives

Goethe Museum Düsseldorf, Oct 14-16, 2022

The conference will be livestreamed online. In Livestream, the conference will be simultaneously translated into English.

Book now until September 15: Take part in the whole conference for 48 Euros (3 days). Price afterwards: 65 Euros (3 days).

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STANZ has an elected Coordinating Committee that meets regularly to organise the affairs and activities of the society.

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