Expert critique on the “Psychology Today” article “Tin Foil Hats: Tired Trope or Sign of the Times”

September 11, 2022

Letter from Kent Chamberlin PhD, Professor & Chair Emeritus, to Kaja Perina, Editor-in-Chief, Psychology Today


I am writing to provide comment on an article that was recently published in your magazine entitled “Tin Foil Hats: Tired Trope or Sign of the Times?” by Joe Pierre. I am providing my comments as a representative of a state commission that was tasked with exploring the health and environmental effects of wireless radiation, and not as a single individual.

Because the findings of that commission form the basis for my comments, I will provide a brief overview of the commission here. The commission I served on was convened through bipartisan legislation (House Bill 522, 2019) that was passed by both houses of the New Hampshire legislature and signed by the Governor. The intention of the legislation was to bring together unbiased experts in fields relating to non–ionizing electromagnetic radiation to address questions and concerns about the ever–growing number of radiofrequency radiation sources. Citizens and legislators were looking for answers as to why the telecommunications industry was claiming that wireless communications radiation posed no harm at all, while a clear majority of scientists identified significant harm from exposure.

Read the full letter here:

Kaja Perina- Psychology Today- Chamberlin

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