Conflict of Interest Letter Sent to NZ Ministry of Health

May 14, 2023

In February SaferTech NZ (not to be confused with STANZ) sent a letter of complaint to the NZ Miniatry of Health (MOH) complaining of a serious conflict of interest by having Martin Gledhill on the lnteragency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Fields (overseen by the Ministry). They state:

“We are aware that Mr Gledhill has set up a company, EMF Services. Among the list of clients on it’s website is the Ministry of Health, as well as all major companies from the telecommunications industry.
We consider that the relationship between EMF Services and the telecommunications industry compromises Mr Gledhill’s ability to provide independent, unbiased advice to the Ministry of Health concerning the safety and interests of the New Zealand public.
There are literally thousands of conflicting, peer-reviewed research studies regarding the health effects of non-ionising fields/radiation. We understand that Mr Gledhill has taken a leading role in deciding which studies should be brought to the attention of the Committee, in addition to writing the Minutes of the twice-yearly committee meetings and submitting them to the Ministry of Health. Each time he concludes that nothing needs to change regarding the ‘allowable limit’ of wireless radiation.”

Full Letter Here:

They asked that Mr Gledhill be removed from the lnteragency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Fields because of his conflict of interest. Unfortunately, the MOH has stated that they believe that any conflict of interests have been appropriately managed as stated in their reply:

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