STANZ WIRED – Newsletter #11 Autumn 2023

May 21, 2023

Kia ora & Welcome

STANZ has been active recently with organising and hosting Michael Vaughan (Registered Psychologist) to give a talk on Children & Screen Time in mid-March. There was a small turn-out, but the talk was very informative and well worth the effort. More details on what was presented at the talk can be found in this newsletter and our website.

The Safer Tech movement in general is getting better organised in the North Island in particular with new groups being established in various centres. They are also starting to make contributions in the public space by recently writing to the Ministry of Health (MOH) complaining of a serious conflict of interest by having Martin Gledhill on the lnteragency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Fields (overseen by the Ministry). Unfortunately, the MOH have ignored this conflict of interest with a rote dismissal. STANZ is organising a follow up letter in support of opposing this conflict of interest and other issues of concern with this committee.

Their next project is to arrange for a questionnaire on Electro Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS) to be sent around the country to gauge peoples health in regards to any EHS symptoms to get a baseline understanding before the full rollout of 5G everywhere. STANZ will help with this locally once they are ready to send out their questionnaire. Unfortunately, the big telco’s and government are working hand in hand to get the big towers out blasting their EMRs into the environment and our bodies.

Smartphone Died So I Got a Brick Instead

At this point in time I think the most practical way to try and stop this is not through protesting, but through simply turning off and dropping out from owning and using a (so called) smartphone (in reality they are dumbing us down and making us sick). My IPhone 5 died recently so I replaced it with a brick phone a CAT B40.

No internet, no apps, no social media – just texts and phone calls and a few other handy accessories like a calendar, torch and some games. I chose the CAT B40 mainly because its drop and waterproof which is perfect for my butter fingers. There is a similar flip phone available as well but is on the small side. To my surprise I found these 2 models are some of the biggest sellers at the moment by the shop assistant and had to order one and wait a week for it.

Turn Off, Tune Out & Drop Out!

No wonder they are in demand as suddenly there was no more dings and bleeps going off all the time trying to keep me addicted to a technology that was rotting my mind and poisoning us all. Which also means it only needs to be charged once a week another great plus in its favour. I liked this so much I don’t even bother carrying it on myself anymore even when going out. I only have it on me when I know it might be useful to me. A change I don’t regret as its better mentally and physically for me and the environment. The articles in this newsletter cover why this is such a good idea and this message needs to be spread far and wide.   

The STANZ A.G.M. this year will be held on the 29th of July. The next newsletter will detail its location and time of day.


1. Public Talk: Children & Screen Time – What You Need to Know.

2. Conflict of Interest Letter Sent to NZ Ministry of Health.

3. Members Question Corner.

4. EHS – what the experts say, part 1

5. From Inflammation to Brain Tumours – is your Phone Affecting Your Health?

6. In the year since I quit social media, my screen time has fallen, my mood is up!

7. AI is an existential threat to humanity: A call for artificial intelligence to be halted.

8. Restored Health and Vitality From Ditching My Cell Phone.

9. On filming the unfilmable: Documenting the people allergic to electricity.

10. Simple Engineering Fixes Could Dramatically Reduce Cell Phone Radiation.

11. Nordic Appeal: More Stringent Regulatory Framework on Microwave Radiation.

      from Wireless Technologies is Needed – Stop Further Rollout of 5G.

12. Wireless technologies and children: Identifying and reducing health risks.

13. ICNIRP Guidelines’ Exposure Assessment Method for 5G Millimetre Wave Radiation May Trigger Adverse Effects.

14. Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits and Engineering Solutions.

15. Cellular and Molecular Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields.

16. Radio Frequency Health Safety Limits and Recommendations.

17. Evidence found of electromagnetic fields from electrical towers disrupting pollinating honeybees

18. Become a Member of STANZ.

Download the Full Newsletter as a PDF:

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Not for Profit Organisation

STANZ is a not-for-profit organisation which relies on the good will of its members to run its operations. The only source of funding it currently receives are from donations from members and the public.

STANZ has an elected Coordinating Committee that meets regularly to organise the affairs and activities of the society.

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