Kia ora & Welcome To the latest edition of the STANZ newsletter as we continue our mission to raise awareness about the impact of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on health and the environment. This newsletter highlights some of the latest information that can be...
STANZ Newsletter #13 Autumn 2024
STANZ Newsletter #13 Autumn 2024. Latest news and update on STANZ activity. The recent solar storms highlight how electromagnetic fields from the sun and human made sources can negatively impact human mental and physical health.
STANZ Summer 2023-24 Newsletter
It has been a while since the last STANZ newsletter, but the committee has been steadily making progress. Amongst other things the STANZ website has been upgraded to be more user-friendly and our AGM was held in late July.
STANZ WIRED – Newsletter #11 Autumn 2023
STANZ WIRED – Newsletter #11 Autumn 2023. All the latest news and updates on what is happening with STANZ and the safer tech movement.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #10 Summer 2023
Check out a summary of all the latest news relevant to STANZ in our summer 2023 Newsletter. STANZ will be hosting a talk by Michael Vaughan a Registered Psychologist for Children on the 16th of March. This will be on the topic of what you need to know about the risks to children from their screen time.
STANZ WIRED Newsletter #8 Winter 2022
STANZ WIRED Newsletter with all the latest news, views and science. STANZ is the only civil society organisation in NZ promoting a sane discussion of how we need safer wireless technologies that meet basic needs without endangering our health or the environment. We hope that you will join us by becoming a member as we ramp up the public awareness campaign in the coming months to promote awareness for the need for safer wireless technology.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #7 – Summer 2022
The focus of the STANZ summer 2022 newsletter is primarily focussed on providing an overview of some of the latest research on Electro-hypersensitivity (EHS). Recently, some research on EHS has drifted into the idea of nocebo being the cause of EHS, which has led to some government departments being quick to parrot this line. However, in our opinion the nocebo concept as an explanation for EHS does not stack up in the real world. The first article is by our own Anne Gastinger who has being doing research with EHS sensitive people in NZ and her report makes for very interesting reading.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #6 Spring 2021
Despite the lack of newsletters so far this year the STANZ Committee has been busy behind the scenes laying the foundations for the future success of the Society and these activities can be seen in the attached newsletter.
STANZ Chairpersons AGM Annual Report July 2021
Report from the STANZ Chairperson Pene Clifford to the 2021 AGM on the activivites of STANZ over the past year.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #5 – Summer 2020-2021
It goes without saying that this has been a rollercoaster of a year that has tested us all. Here at STANZ we have endeavoured to keep things ticking over as best we can to fight the good fight for greater safe use of technology. While it appears that there is not much happening to the general public in reality there is much work here behind the scenes and around the world
that is laying the foundations to help us achieve our goals and this is reflected in this extralong summer edition of our newsletter with plenty of info for (wired) holiday reading.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #4 – October 2020
The Safer Technology Aotearoa/NZ committee has been working with other regional organising bodies associated with the 5G Free movement to promote a National Day of Action for Saturday October the 3rd (2020) around the country. Key to this is still a focus on stopping the use of 5G millimetre wave radio frequency radiation. Along with highlighting other key concerns about mobile phones and cell tower radiation and artificial intelligence.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #3 – July 2020
STANZ First Public Meeting
On Saturday the 1st of August the Safer Technology Aotearoa/New Zealand Society (STANZ) held its inaugural public meeting in New Brighton, Christchurch. Over 50 people attended to hear talks on why STANZ is necessary to in order to lead the local campaign against 5G and other wireless technologies that pollute our environment with Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR). As well as confront the very real threat that Artificial Intelligence poses to humanity and to protect the human rights of those who experience Electro Hyper Sensitivity.
STANZ Wired Newsletter #2 July 2020
The organizing committee for the Safer Technology Aotearoa/New Zealand society (STANZ) has been working to become an incorporated society. The constitution has been approved and the necessary signatures gathered to submit to the Companies Office for incorporation as a society. At our next meeting in the last weekend of July we will elect the committee to lead STANZ. Some people question as to why all this effort has gone into turning what has been a local grass roots movement into a formally organised incorporated society. This newsletter will highlight why we need to have an incorporated society to carry out fundraising to engage in campaigning activities locally and nationally as well as supporting legal actions to oppose 5G and other types of dangerous electromagnetic radiation
STANZ Wired Newsletter #1 – May 2020
Kia ora and Welcome to our first ever formal Newsletter. First up you can see that we have decided to change our name from 5G Free NZ – Christchurch to Safer Tech New Zealand. This was prompted by discussions that as a group of concerned citizens that there are many aspects to the dangers that have been brought to light by the push to have 5G technology forced onto an unsuspecting public. Key amongst these are all issues to do with 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G etc., human rights, artificial intelligence, technologies that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and the health and wellbeing of people afflicted with electro hypersensitivity (EHS).
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