Understanding Adverse Health Effects of Artificial EMFs is Common Sense

May 11, 2021

By Olle Johansson, PhD

As we are all rapidly being forced into the new generation of electronic gadgets and wireless services, sometimes referred to as the “Internet of Things” and primarily based on the 5th generation (5G) of wireless communication, to be followed soon by 6G and 7G, more and more people are asking themselves if the ever-increasing levels of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs), especially of the pulsed type, really are safe for living organisms; if their various equipments are there only for them to enjoy as private persons or for political, military, and commercial surveillance purposes – it is already obvious that it may easily develop into the “Internet of Totalitarian Control”, with unbelievably dark aspects of artificial intelligence, human brain control, and the Digital New World Order just around the corner; if some gadgets add fire risks; if they violate integrity considerations; if they pose an open door for advanced cyberattacks of homes, schools, and workplaces; if they generate profit for private companies but mere costs for the public health and welfare system; and if their EMFs pose a threat to their own and their families’ health, as well as to the environment.

Already at the end of the 1970s, I decided that this is an issue that needs to be looked at much more closely and perhaps even needs—for many serious reasons—to be stopped before it turns on us and other animals, plants, and bacteria as the Idiocy of Things! Over the years, more and more people all over the world have become concerned citizens who realize that modern electronic devices produce electromagnetic fields that are not native to our Planet. These non-native EMFs are completely foreign to human, animal, and plant biology and may be wreaking havoc on the health and well-being of humanity and other life forms on our Planet.

Full Article can be Read Here:

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