On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Non-Ionizing Radio Frequency Radiation: The Case of Digital Technologies in the Home, Classroom and Society

January 22, 2023

Children’s health and well-being is under significant threat from everyday digital technologies, as the past 15 years have seen the proliferation of microwave non-ionizing radio frequency radiation (RFR) devices and related communication systems in the home, school and society. The safety standards for such devices—smartphones, tablets etc.—and the systems that serve them, were based on the proven thermal effects of microwave radiation in adults, not children.

As comprehensive research published between 1969-1976 by the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute indicates, scientists have long been aware of equally harmful non-thermal effects—e.g. the risks of developing cancers, neurological, neurodegenerative, and other pathophysiological problems. However, physicists and engineers have operated on the theory that non-ionizing RFR could not directly damage human DNA and lead to cancer, as it was far less powerful than ionizing radiation (x-rays, nuclear etc.).

That theory has been solidly and roundly refuted, as this paper illustrates. Nevertheless, industry-funded scientists continue to hold that non-thermal effects do not exist. However, thousands of independent research studies have demonstrated that lowintensity RFR elicits a range of pathophysiological conditions in experimental animals and humans.

This is why parents, educators and governments should be alarmed, be better informed, and take immediate and appropriate action. This brief research review aims to inform by presenting the findings of scientific research, in a balanced, objective manner, on the risks to children. This information is based on proven scientific theories and clear empirical evidence. The paper concludes by offering practical advice on how the risks to children, and indeed adults, can be minimised.

Full article here:


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